Monday, September 22, 2014

Making Autumn Trees: Printmaking

I love making autumn trees.  This time I changed the way the trunks are made using a printmaking technique.

P.S. I have a great giveaway at the end of this post so please read on.

I also used this idea for an art journal page and an inchie.


- sticky backed craft foam
- paper towel roll
- paper
- disk tempera or watercolour paint for background
- black liquid tempera or acrylic paint
- paint in fall colours (acrylic or liquid tempera)
- small brush
- cotton swabs (Q-tips)


I took some craft foam and cut strips in irregular lines, curves, some jagged.

Remove paper backing and stick to paper roll.  Start from the centre out leaving the ends free.  This way you can roll it easier like a rolling pin.

Now there are few ways to load paint onto your roll.  You can spread some out on wax paper and then roll in to it.

You can also paint it directly on to the foam.  This will give you a very precise print but you have to work fast so the paint doesn't dry before you paint all the strips.

Place on your paper and roll out your tree trunks.  This is my first go.  Too many trunks I thought so I removed a few.

To make my background I painted in a sky and a strip of ground on my paper.

Roll on your trunks.  If you get a few smudges, no worries, it's a print that happens and we will use some of these smudges when we make branches.

With a small brush add a few branches.

Time to make the leaves.  Take a few cotton swabs.  I like to cut mine in half.  This gives me 2 sizes of circles, one on each end.

Dip ends into Fall coloured paint and stamp on your leaves.  Clusters work best and don't forget a few on the ground.

I made an inchie as well.  Instead of a paper roll I used a paint dauber but a thick pencil, marker, or piece of dowel would work.

I get a lot of inquiries for ideas to use in art journals.

Here is a journal page using this technique.  You could make a page for each of the 4 seasons using the same technique just changing up the leaves or lack of them.

I hope you give this a try.

I bought this book in the spring.  It was on pre-order and when it didn't arrive on time (did they forget me) I ordered it again.

I was going to return the extra but it's a great book so why not a giveaway.

So why do I like this book:

- smaller size, only 9"x7" so you can have it beside you as you work
- coil binding, pages will stay open to where you want
- heavy weight pages that have a shiny finish, made to hold up to any messes or stray paint

- lots of great techniques with pictures of different projects to inspire you
- artist tips on most pages with helpful advice.

If you are interested in winning my extra copy:
- comment on this post
- send me an email at
- or like/comment on my Facebook page

I'll do the draw Thursday.  Good luck everyone and I hope you end up with some paint on your hands today!


  1. I love this painting and techniques! Will be doing this in class soon and will check out that book. Thanks!

  2. I love the trees! Please enter me for the book drawing. Thank you!

  3. I love all of your work and how you break it down into steps anyone could do. I would love to have a copy of this book! Thanks for the opportunity to win :0)

  4. I love your awesome job... And i am verry happy about your post

  5. Great blog! :) I pin and use a lot of your ideas with my Brownie group! Would love a copy of the book!

  6. I do like this variation using a printmaking technique. Also I am going to return to one of your earlier tree trunk lessons, the birch bark with fall leaves. Still a favorite.

  7. What a great idea! My friend just turned me on to your site, because I was attempting some mixed media yesterday! I really love this. Thanks for the opportunity to win the book!

  8. You are tsill one of my favorite sites after all these years. Thank you! This book would be so useful to me in the art room.

  9. I am extremely interesting in mixed media techniques. I plan on giving this trees print a try. I also like your inchie tutorials. Thanks for holding this giveaway.

  10. Will have to give this a try in my journal. I just love Fall. Thank you for sharing. And thanks for the chance to win the book!!

  11. Just got that book out from the library. I feel sad to have to return it, so having my own copy would be awesome!

  12. I so enjoy reading your blog.
    Would also enjoy winning the book!

  13. I think my first comment got eaten by the Google gremlins. Thanks for the giveaway, to let us know about this book. I also love the small size! Many of our art books couple technique with a specific project, and I think that makes it difficult for my kids to separate the two. This looks very inspirational!

  14. Recently found your blog and I love all of your ideas. So much fun!

  15. I can't wait to make this along with my kids. The book looks really fun as well.

  16. Can't wait to try this!


  17. This would be great to use with my kiddos!

  18. I'm finding your fall projects particularly inspiring this year. Thanks!

  19. Great blog :) So many ideas to try!

  20. I've been following your blog for a while (teacher!). I love the things you do, especially Christmas project day with the kids. I am impressed by what you take on with the students. If you deliver to the States, please enter me in your drawing. Thanks. heart.of.a.teacher @

  21. Thank you for your continued inspiration. Where do you get your creative stamina?!

  22. Thank you for all you share. I keep all your posts and work with our homeschool group using your great instructions and ideas. This book would really help to have something to refer back to in hard copy.

  23. Gail, you are my hero! My daughter and I so enjoy your amazing projects. Thank you!

  24. I love that your projects are not only good for kids but can be fun for adults. Thanks for the chance to have some inspriration by my side
    Marsha vamoody(one)(at)verizon(dot)net

  25. I can't wait to try this with my class! I love the paper towel roll idea!! Even if I don't win it, I think I need to add that book to my library. Looks great! Thanks again for the inspiration!!

  26. I can use all the help I can get. Would love this book.

  27. You have fabulous ideas! Thanks for the give-away!

  28. I love this idea for mixed media... and this book would be perfect as I am looking for ideas for my Mixed Media Station at school...
    Thanks so much for sharing!!!!

  29. Love the simple yet effective use of foam! Thanks for the book review, looks good. pick me! pick me!!!

  30. This grandma wants to try so many things with my grandchildren. Thank you so much for the inspiration you give :)

  31. Your trees turned out really neat! Thanks for the opportunity to win the book!

  32. Cool use of paper towel tubes.

  33. Great idea for those tree trunks! I love making mixed media pieces, so this book would be a great addition to my library.

  34. Love your posts. You always have great ideas!

  35. I work at a retirement community and I can see this as a successful project. I'd be interested in winning your book for other projects for "my ladies".
    Judy (

  36. LOVE these fall trees.
    The book looks so interesting too.
    I would love the chance to win it.

  37. I would love to win this book. Thanks. Looks like awesome fun!!

  38. i am doing this project on Thursday! My personal goal is to do one amazing art project each week with my class, and this is the perfect way to start. Plus, I am scared of lino prints, so I am very happy to find a safer and easier way to do printing. ( I gouged my hand doing lino prints some years ago) Thanks, Gail. And, thanks for offering your give-aways.

  39. Hi!!! I'm following your blog for a few years... It's amazing!!! You're an ispiration for me and my job (I'm a teacher in primary school ^_^ )
    Thanks a lot for all your shares
    Silvia (from Italy)

  40. I saw the above comments about the gremlins and think i ran into the same problem, so I'm reposting...Thanks again for another wonderful idea that I can adapt into my Grade One world! And that book looks like a worthwhile read (even if I don't win it ;) ).

  41. Gail, would love to win this book - looks like it is full of inspiration just like your blog. Thanks for sharing all that you do. Have a happy fall day.

  42. What a wonderful giveaway!

  43. I came across your blog via Ruth's Place. It is such a wonderful site - I have very little talent when it comes to art but my 8 year old seems to be showing some talent & we've been thinking of getting her some classes. I am going to put a link to your blog in the favourites so she can read up on your activities and try some tutorials - thank you so much for such a wonderful space!
