Now on to the second row of inchies.
See first post for required materials.
The first square in the second row is based on the work of Paul Klee, a swiss artist .
He liked to say that "drawing is like taking a line for a walk."
In the large project I have the kids do a bit of a practice drawing first. The goal is to complete a drawing without lifting your pencil from the paper. You want one continuous line.
Then I have the students do a design on colored paper with either a white or black pencil crayon.
For the inchie we just do the same only smaller.
The next inchie is a printmaking one. It's based on a project I do when we are studying Albrecht Durer.
Although he was an an amazing painter it's his prints and engravings that command your attention.
For the large project I have the kids take 1 piece of scratch foam and cut it into 4 equal pieces.
Next they either take a story they have read or one that they have wrote and draw 4 scenes. With scratch foam you use a dull pencil. The lines indent the foam and will remain white in the printing process.
Paint over the scratch foam with some liquid tempera.
Flip the scratch foam over onto your piece of paper and then using a brayer roll with equal pressure on top of it.
The second print is usually the best.

Whenever I do a printmaking project I hold on to the scratch foam and display it along with the finished print.

For the inchie use a small square of scratch foam
and make your inchie sized print just like described for the larger project.
The last inchie in this row is based on the work of Wassily Kandinsky, most specifically on his color studies.
For the large project you take a large piece of wc paper and tape it down to an art board.
Mark of a grid of squares in pencil.
I then have the kids do similar color studies only in 3 different ways.
First we use just paint.
I let them use re positional contact paper if they want to help make some of the circles. You cut out a circle shape, stick it down on the paper and then paint over it. When dry remove the contact paper sticker.
We also do a little pastel resist.
Makes some circles and rings with bright colored pastels and then paint over.

Lastly we paint in the entire square and then cut and paste in the other circles.

For the inchie choose one of the techniques and do it in miniature.

That's it for this row of inchies. I'll have the directions for the next three on Friday.

Good luck everyone and I'll see you then.
I love all of these, but the scratch foam idea is the one I will try first. Thank you for sharing all of your great ideas.
ReplyDeleteEnjoying looking through your projects. What age group are you working with?