End result, this painted collage and I will be trying this out with Grade5/6 next year I think.
"Daring Adventures in Paint" by Mati Rose McDonough is a new book from Quarry.
- 128 pgs
- soft cover
- roughly 8.5 x 9 inches
- suggested retail $22.99US/$24.99CAN
Lots of great photography which in any art instruction book is always appreciated.
Mati touches on quite a few techniques to try including;
using silver leaf, spray painting with doilies. transferring sketches onto specific areas of a painting and developing your narrative.
Where this book shines is in it's practical take on the developing artist....how do you take that "Wouldn't it be great to paint my own canvas for my bedroom" to identifying how to locate inspiration, finding your voice and confidence as an artist, and then transferring that into completed work.
I will be giving away a copy of this book later this week, see the end of this post for details but first let's go thru the painted college using some techniques from Mati.
- canvas, piece of masonite, or paper/cardboard as a base (substrate)
- assorted papers from recycling, junk mail, etc.
- acrylic paint
- glue
- alphabet stamps
- craft foam
- scissors
- scraps of cardboard
- sealer, optional. I like Mod Podge!
Before I started this collage I decided to make some homemade stamps. Now this is not discussed in the book but it's so easy.
Take some craft foam and a piece of corrugated cardboard (or foamboard, or gatorboard). You want it the size of your stamp.
Cut out your design. This is different than the other stamps I make by etching designs in foam with a pencil.
Glue into place on the cardboard. You can skip this step if you use the craft foam with the sticky backing.
Let dry.
Gather some supplies for printmaking.
- plain paper
- paintbrush or roller, whatever you have on hand
- acrylic paint
- disposable plate or even newspaper, waxpaper to squeeze your paint onto to load your brush or roller. If I use a plate I will wash it and reuse it again and again.
Apply paint to your stamp and turn it facedown onto your paper. Rub all over the stamp with your hand applying a bit of pressure. You can also use a brayer here.
Lift to see your impression. The one on the left was using a paintbrush, the one on the right was a roller.
Let dry.
Keep your stamp as you can use it over and over again.
Take your base, (canvas, board, paper) and glue down some of your collected papers.
Some of my edges are cut some torn. I know what colors I want to use in the final piece so I'm choosing very neutral colored papers.
Start adding paint to your background. No rules here. Paint over some of the paper while leaving some areas untouched.
Remember to do the sides if using a board or canvas.
I want to add my stamped paper.
So I cut out the part I want. I then tint it with paint and glue into position.
Add details with more acrylic. Here I'm stamping circles using an old spool dipped in paint.
Add more paper details if you want. I cut the circles out of this scrapbooking paper as they were in my color scheme.
I added some sharpie and stamped on the word CROW using the R that was already there in the map paper.
Fiddle with it until you are satisfied.
Finally when everything is dry add a sealer over top to glue everything down. I used Mod Podge matte finish this time. It still has a bit of a sheen to it.
That's it. I love the way I really did not have a plan but the work just came together......this will be a great lesson for the kids!
If you would like to win your own copy of "Daring Adventures in Paint" please do one of the following:
- leave a comment on this post
- like or comment on this link on my Facebook page
- send me an email at thatartistwoman@shaw.ca
I will be making the random draw on Friday Aug 3rd/12.
In the spirit of the Olympics I am opening this draw up to everyone. Good luck.
Thanks to my friends at Quayside Publications for sponsoring this giveaway.
See you soon.