I know this has nothing to do with painting or kid's crafts but this is a very old family recipe. It is Ukrainian in origin and I have only come across it in other old Ukrainian families who settled in Alberta.
It sounds a bit exotic using beet leaves but they are packed with lots of healthy stuff for you. ( high in Iron, Phosphorus, Zinc, Vitamins A, C, E, and fiber )
My kids and husband LOVE them and eat them like candy. They are a family tradition and I grow beets just for the leaves in my veggie garden. So before you throw away those beet leaves when you are making borscht or roasting them try this instead. Your family will thank you!!
Serves 4
30-35 beet leaves (about the size of your palm), choose newer
leaves not old leathery ones
2 cups of cooked rice (you want sticky short grain it holds
together better)
2 Tablespoons fresh Dill, chopped
1 Tablespoon butterSour CreamSalt to taste
You want to wash your leaves first in cold water. Leave them in your sink and plug it for the next step.

Now you need to wilt your leaves.
Add enough boiling water from your kettle to cover them and let them sit a while until the water cools down.
My mom told me in the olden days they wilted their leaves in the sun but I think it would dry

them out too much. Use the handle of a wooden spoon to make sure you get all the edges of the leaves under water.

While waiting for your leaves to cool make your rice. I put mine on to boil and wait until I see the little vent holes and most of the moisture is gone. I then cover, turn off the heat and let it sit a while. (10-15 minutes)

(see the little vents)

While waiting for your rice and leaves chop up your dill. When the rice is ready, you want it to be sticky, add your dill and some salt to taste.

When the water has cooled, drain your leaves. Now we make the rolls. Take a leaf, shake off the excess water and place on a cutting board. I like to trim out a section of stem on the bottom of the leaf because I find it too tough. Cut out the bottom inch or so of stem.

Sorry these photos are in the wrong position but for some reason blogger won't set them up right no matter what changes I make to the original, go figure.

Put leaf into your palm

Add a Tablespoon of rice into the center of the leaf.

Roll up, kind of like you roll up a burrito or taco. Place into a buttered casserole dish.

Keep layering the rolls into your dish until all the leaves are done.

Dot with butter on the top and placed covered into a 350 degree oven for about 45 minutes.

Serve with sour cream and a sprinkle of salt if desired.
ENJOY, trust me you will look at beet leaves in a whole different way after this and they do become addictive.

As part of my
MISTAKE MONDAY series I thought I would post a picture of my studio (really a room in the basement). I always get a kick out of seeing other artists and crafters post pictures of their extremely clean and organized work spaces.
(like on Poppytalk)
They always look like nobody actually works there. My room is always a mess. The more projects I'm working on the messier. During the school year I'll have 2-3 projects I'm developing for art lessons on the go everyday. I don't have time to clean the room!!!
Every once and a while I will clean it up, usually when I'm looking for some special item to use for a project but most of the time it looks like this. Thankfully the rest of the house is usually clean and no I'm am not a hoarder. I just need a lot of supplies to come up with all the projects for school, Scouts, etc. So welcome to my MESS.
see you later,