As always I'm always trying to come up with new ideas for art projects.
I was thinking about embroidery and how I could jazz it up a bit for the kids when I started thinking of combining a painting with embroidery detailing. This is the result of my experiment. The kids are eagar to try this out next.
I took some canvas fabric and pencilled in a desgin. I was thinking of faces so my daughter suggested a sun and moon combo. I plan on sewing this up into a little purse when I get home.
I then took acrylic paint and painted in my design. I could see the pencil faintly thru the paint which made it easier to embroider.
Add a little water to your acrylic paint to help it spread easier on fabric.
Set aside to dry overnight.
Taking full embroidery thread I embroidered in the details adding highlights to the eyes and texture where I wanted. Play around with light on dark and vice versa to really showcase the stitching. The canvas was heavy enough that I did not need a hoop.
That's it. I plan on folding it in half stitching up the side and bottom on the machine as well as adding a zipper at the top. I'll then braid a nice strap and viola! a new purse for my upcoming trip to Paris.
Please feel free to click on the pictures to see larger for the stitching detail.
Now the kids are set to do there projects, Allie is doing a new larger pencil case for school and the boys are making bags to hold Lego and DS games. I plan on posting their results so stayed tuned.