Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Zebra Resist

Here is another resist I was experimenting with yesterday.  It is wax crayon on newspaper.

Using a reference photo I drew a zebra directly on newspaper using the stock pages.

It was hard to see so I added some lines in fine sharpie.

You then take a white crayon and color in where ever you want it to stay white.

Using black tempera I then painted over the crayon.  With newspaper you don't want to over saturate it with water/paint  as it will just tear on you.

I added some darker areas using a small brush with a black acrylic or you could use ink just to have some more contrast in the details.

To add some interest in the frame I added some strips of newspaper which I glued down and then trimmed.

I then glued down the resist.

I also finished another giraffe.  I was trying a glue resist for this sample.  I painted a undercoat in a light tan/yellow using tempera or wc.

When it dried I added the pattern of the print using regular white school glue.

Set aside to dry flat.

Then painted a coat of darker brown on top.
The glue resists the paint and the pattern shows up like this.  Sorry I didn't complete the picture but when I'm developing projects for next year I'm just trying out as many ideas as I can.

Remember to visit me tomorrow for my first giveaway!
See you then.


  1. You always have such GREAT projects. Such a successful use of resist. Thanks!!

  2. That awesome. I love this project.

  3. this was such a neat idea and the turnout is beautiful.

  4. You are just the best, Gail! I visit here a lot, and every time I do, you have come up with something awesome once again.

  5. Wow, that zebra is fantastic. Your creativity is really amazing. If only I had had a teacher like you when I was at school...

  6. Hi, So for some reason, the black tempera is not resisting the white wax crayon. Is there a particular brand you use that works best?

  7. Hey Joslyn, you are using puck tempera right not liquid...the liquid would be too thick, you want it a bit watery. The only other thing I can think of is that the crayon isn't strong enough, white oil pastel will resist for sure, wax crayons can be iffy depending on brand and usually only aloow for a few passes of the paint brush before losing their resist effectiveness, my reccommendation would be to go over your crayon with white pastel and then I think they will turn out fine.
    Good luck.

  8. Lovely lesson! My students are enjoying it and I will post on my blog with credit and kudos to you! Thank you!
