
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Fall Inchies 2014 Part 2

Let's continue with our inchies.

Row #2


- 3 more wc paper inchies (2"x2")
- watercolour or disk tempera paint
- oil pastels
- black acrylic paint
- old book page
- black and orange crayon
- 2 tiny goggly eyes
- scrap of brown paper
- scrap of orange paper
- black pen
- glue


This inchie is based on a negative painting project that you can find here.

Paint an inchie with fall colours.  I'm using dim tempera.  To get a nice marbled look I first start painting in yellow, about 2/3rds of the inchie.  I then add some orange and red which will mingle a bit with the yellow.

Set aside to dry.

Draw some lines on your inchie with a black pencil crayon.

Now it's hard to get your brain to look at the negative shape so here's a trick.  Using pencil draw your leaf shapes.

Take some black acrylic paint, you don't need much, and paint around those leaf shapes.  Small brushes come in handy here.

This inchie is also based on an earlier project looking at open vs. closed composition.  You can find it here.

Take an inchie and paint it sky blue.  While you at it do a second one, we'll use it on the next row.

Let dry.

Take your old book page, trace around your inchie.  This helps you know how big to make your pear.  Draw your pear. Make a second one while your at it.

Cut out the pear shape.

Take a scrap piece of paper and put your pear shape on it.  Taking your black crayon trace around your pear. Some black crayon will get on the edge of your pear.

Add a little orange crayon to your pear.

Add some yellow watercolour or disk tempera.  Your little brush comes in handy again.  The orange crayon will resist the paint giving you a nice shading look.

While the pears are drying paint a table on your blue inchie.  I just used some diluted blue and brown to make a grey.

Glue your pears on.  I'm showing an open composition so I have one of my pears going off the side. I glue it on first and then trim.

In Canada our Thanksgiving is the 2nd Monday of October so I made a little turkey.

Take your oil pastels and make a fan shape, you could also call it a campfire.

Paint the inchie yellow with watercolour or disk tempera.  The pastel will resist the paint.

Now take your brown paper and cut out a small circle.  I have a punch so I used that. Glue on your fan, use a black pen to add the feet.  Glue on the goggly eyes.  Cut a tiny triangle from the orange paper and glue that on as well.

That's it for today.  Tomorrow we tackle the last row.



  1. Hi Gail - I always enjoy seeing your inchies and want to try some with my kids. Is the term "inchies" something you created or is that a thing I just didn't know about? I think its such a cute and fun concept, and thumbnails are part of my curriculum for some grades so its a great tie-in there.

    1. Hi Hope,
      Inchies are a scrapbooking phenomenon. When I saw the concept I immediately saw the possibility for art 'collections'. By varying the size you can make it work for different age levels. The possibilities are endless and kids love anything mini.
      Take care
